Built-In Reports
Quickly generate reports on all file and user activities within the repository. Keep track of every action taken on a document, with event date, time and user that performed the action. Docsvault’s Built-in Reports allow administrators and managers to get an insight into the usage of their document repository with the help of many predefined and dynamic reports.
What it means for you?
Report generation is important from many standpoints, including security, e-discovery, legal suits, information gathering, etc. IT and various department heads need to generate reports from time to time to ensure progress of tasks and to monitor work activities. This also helps in meeting several regulatory compliance needs.
Docsvault provides you with many different types of reports that help you monitor and maintain a tight control over your DMS system and processes.
Fast Facts
- Supports popular report format standard such as PDF, xls, csv, etc.
- Only users with proper security rights can access reports