Document Status
With hundreds of documents being created, edited and published day in and day out, an organization may find it difficult to determine the status of each document. Docsvault helps you assign custom Document Status (in processes, draft, complete, published, etc.) to all items in Docsvault. The status of a document can be easily set when adding a new document, checking in a new version of a document, from a document’s right click menu or when viewing an item’s details in Docsvault.
The status can be further customized with flags, ownership changes and changes to the security (accessibility) of the document. For instance, if the status of a document changes from draft to published, it can trigger a corresponding change to the ownership or privacy/security of the document. A document can undergo several stages of revisions and each state of the document can be saved automatically as a version. The various versions of documents in a different state can be easily accessed, emailed or shared via public Shared Links from the versions dialog.
What it mean for you?
Document Status is an easy and quick indicator of the progress of any document. It serves as an automated way to control access and visibility to a document as it passes through different stages in its lifecycle. Managers and project leads can determine the progress of a task by quickly navigating through the status of a document in a particular folder. They can even built up custom reports based on the status of a document. It can also eliminate some human interventions by triggering changes on documents automatically.
Fast Facts
- Create multiple kinds of Document Statuses with many predefined flags
- Users with system rights of ‘Edit Doc. Status/Icons’ rights can create new or edit document status
- Choose to automatically create versions of a document for specified status changes