The product handles everything I need it to do and there are still functions that I can grow in to. I can’t even say the price is a con since it is very competitive with all the other products at which I looked.
There is a genuine “want” to assist with the product. They are good people and this is a great product. If you’re looking for a document management program Docsvault is a great choice.
Key Medical Management
Key Medical Management is a full service, multi-specialty medical billing company. They handle all aspects of the billing cycle from demographic entry to patient statements and delinquent account tracking. The founder realized need for improvement in document handling that can help meet various challenges and save time. The system needed to be customizable to fit the needs of a medical billing services company.
The biggest challenge for ‘Key Medical Management’ was to deal with large amounts of paper documents. Maximum office space was occupied by the Cabinets and banker boxes filled with lot of paper files that made it difficult to quickly locate any document when needed. Above all, the duplication of files was the utmost concern. This paralyzed their document collaboration process.
Realizing the need for a better document management solution, Key Medical Management researched for all available options and selected Docsvault for its ability to facilitate document organization and smart collaboration.
After installing Docsvault, ’Key Medical Management’ can now focus on their core business responsibilities. Fair pricing and ease of use has greatly decreased their frustration and increased their overall efficiency.
With built in Scanning and Capture tools, Docsvault has made it easier to scan, index and centralize their documents.
Another benefit of using Docsvault was its right pricing for this small–medium size company. Electronic storage of the documents now saves cost that otherwise ran high in implementing physical storage of documents.
Above all, Docsvault’s Custom Reports helped ‘Key Medical Management’ create various custom reports to suit their requirements. They can efficiently gather information on pending documents and overall progress promptly.
Hospital & Healthcare Services