To improve customer service in any business, entrepreneurs must focus on the technology that offers the cost-effective way and put them ahead of their competitors. Docsvault document management software goes beyond the traditional customer service solution and serves the customers faster and more efficiently.
Here are 4 document management tools for better customer service:
#1 Easily Share and Request Documents From Customers:
Public Share Links
Docsvault’s Public Share Links is an effective way to quickly share business documents with your client on their demand. When using email, there are limitations on the maximum attachment size. There are certain limits imposed for individual files or the combined size of all attachments per email message. It takes longer to send the email with a larger file size. Whereas sharing documents with Public Share Link, you can easily share documents of any size in a secure and convenient way and build up customer service satisfaction.
Document Request Link
Receiving documents using traditional emails has many drawbacks. Emails can be missed easily, have attachment size limitations, can get marked as spam, or get buried under the daily email overload. This causes delays in responding to the customers and ultimately losing them. Document Request Link allows you to create the link to collect documents securely and quickly from your customers to respond speedily. It helps you to enhance customer service and collaboration.
#2 Faster Response Times using Document Relation
Many times customers need multiple information of their records urgently. You cannot let your customers wait for longer over the phone and keep searching the records. Docsvault document management software offers a ‘Document Relation’ tool that allows users to relate documents and folders within the repository to make associated documents readily available for reference. It helps you save time and improve customer service experience.
#3. Capture Accurate Information using Web eForms:
Docsvault’s Web eForms add-on helps you gather and manage critical customer data quickly and more effectively. You can easily capture new leads directly from your website and automatically route them into your repository, creating a new record. ‘Web eForms’ tool allows you to capture the name, email address, contact number, requirements, and comments of your customers. You can immediately follow up on the inquiry by answering their queries and requirements.
Web eForms are a great way to collect feedback from customers so that you can strengthen your customer relations and build their loyalty for your organization.
Docsvault provides robust document management software that includes workflow automation tool as a standard feature. It is designed to provide organizations with better business document management and search capabilities.
Docsvault Workflow Management Software facilitates the flow of documents in a digital repository that is accurate and timely eliminating the usual hurdles of a manual circulation of documents. It allows you to customize your workflow processes using a flexible workflow designer. Each person gets timely notifications and information they need to perform their tasks.
#4 Easier Collaboration with Signature Request:
Today, convenience is a top priority for customers. Docsvault document management software provides online ‘Signature Requests add on’that recognizes customer conditions and uses a unique approach to save their time and money ensuring higher customer satisfaction. It is an easy-to-use web-based electronic signature for your business to collect signatures from customers by eliminating their need to print and sign the document. Customers can sign the document from anywhere with any device using their web browser.
These document management tools have stood the test of time to provide truly excellent customer service. They help cultivate strong customer relations and increase sales. To learn more about Docsvault document management software contact