It does not save money in terms of the expense of the purchase of equipment and software. But in another sense it is similar to the cost of insurance in terms of what would it cost us to repay a grantor if we lost our documents? What does it cost us in reputation? We consider the scanning systems a cost of doing business and of being able to demonstrate excellent accountability for how we spend grantor and donor funds in challenging locations.
Samaritan’s Purse Intl. Relief
Docsvault helps non-profit organization with document management and collaboration for 1200 global users
Samaritan’s Purse International Relief is involved in disaster relief in challenging locations worldwide. They used the traditional printing, filing and shipping method, which proved to be a problem in times of natural disaster, war, foreign government instability, etc
Some of the top challenges faced by this organization of more than 1200 employees are:
- Spread in challenging locations worldwide, shipping documents from these countries to US headquarters was a big problem
- Documents were not easily retrievable at a later date
- In times of hostile government takeover, documents were confiscated, which led to problems with their grantors
- Grant audit and other compliance challenges started surfacing
Identifying these problems, Samaritan’s Purse decided to look for a worldwide digital document solution, which they found in Docsvault.
Docsvault helped Samaritan’s Purse by making documents easy to organize and locate. Besides, it also helped them to provide security for their vital documents which is of utmost importance considering the challenging atmosphere they work in. Faced by stringent audit regulations, one of the most pressing needs for this organization was meeting audit challenges, which Docsvault helped them with easily. The reasons they cited for choosing Docsvault over other products are ease of use, flexibility, portability, and cost.
Non-profit organization