Docsvault’s Support policy outlines the product support and maintenance guidelines with the objective to standardize norms, thereby enabling Docsvault customers to make a more informed purchase, support, and upgrade decisions.

Docsvault Support Policy

Docsvault Document Management Software Subscription provides software support and updates to help you keep pace with the ever-growing demand of managing your business documents.
Docsvault Subscription assures you of:

  • Unlimited Support Instances
  • Regular Updates (New features, fixes, minor, and even major version updates!)

Customers who are under a valid Subscription are entitled to the benefits associated with this policy.


  1. How do I get support?
    The Active Subscription gives you access to our ticket-based email support. The ticked-based email support is available from the Client Center. To open up a new support issue just log in to your Client Center account and submit a new support ticket. We are extremely responsive and you can generally expect a reply from us within a few hours during normal business hours. You can use the “Callback Support” ticket department to receive a callback from our support team.
  2. Do you offer any professional services?
    We do offer professional installation, training, upgrade and custom import tools for legacy data services at a very reasonable price. See Docsvault Installation & Training Services. For more information, please contact our support department with your specific needs.
  3. Is there any other way of resolving any problems I may run into?
    Our website has a full Support Suite under the support section, including online help files, Knowledgebase, Quick Start Guides, Manuals, User Guides, etc to try and solve your problem quickly. Visit this site before contacting technical support to ensure timely resolution of your issues.
  4. How do I get updates and bug fixes?
    All eligible updates, fixes, and major upgrades for your product are available from the Client Center.
  5. How often do you release updates and upgrades?
    Minor versions are released 2-3 times a year with bug fixes and new features. A major version is released approximately in 1-1.5 years.

For more information contact sales.